Friday 1 May 2020

Rich Christian Poor Christian

Rich Christian Poor Christian. 
There is a time for praying and there is a time for legislating.
There is a time to follow earthly decrees and there is a time to make spiritual decrees.
There is a time to pray for the elected powers and there is a time to use the spiritual power. There is a time to say God help them and often times God is waiting on you to help them.

Rich Christians ride horses like kings and queens, poor Christians watch their servant ride their horse as if they are the king and queen.
Rich Christians are rich in the knowledge that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is in them and they are seated in heavenly places. Poor Christians perish for lack of knowledge and don't realise that the death of Jesus freed them from condemnation.

Rich Christians are like Esther and walk boldly into the palace, poor Christians are timid and use the servant’s entrance. For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.1
Rich Christians use the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God to fight spiritual battles, poor Christians carry the sword but don’t know how to use it and are gripped with fear, power clueless.

Rich Christians understand they are joint heirs with Christ and are seated at the right hand of God. Poor Christian strives to do good works in order to access heaven and right standing with God.

Rich Christians aspire to do the same works as Jesus and believe they can do greater works, the poor Christian skips this part of the bible as if it does not exist and wholeheartedly believes the miracle works of Jesus are for a chosen few.
Rich Christians understand that they have direct access to God through Jesus Christ and plead direct to God for divine solutions on accessing their spiritual blessings; poor Christians run to men and get them to pray to God on their behalf for divine solutions.

Rich Christians grasp that they are supernaturally infused with strength through their life-union with the Lord Jesus and stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through them.2 Poor Christians simply don't get it.
Rich Christians understand they have been given authority by God and exercise it accordingly, the poor Christian is trying to outsource their authority.

The rich Christian earnestly desires to have as many spiritual gifts to equip the body of Christ, the poor Christian conditions their mind to believe they are teachers of the word only. Post Covid-19, make a conscious decision- are you a rich Christian or a poor Christian?

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