Tuesday 28 April 2020

Billy Graham's Greatest Sermon - "Who is Jesus?"

Why was Billy Graham's message so impactful?
What contributed to thousands of people standing up at the end of his message to surrender their life to Christ?

In his book, All Marketers Tell Stories, Seth Godin explains that great marketers don't talk about features or even benefits. Instead they tell a story - a story we want to believe, whether it's factual or not. Marketers succeed when they tell us a story that fits our worldview, a story that we intuitively embrace and then share with our friends. All marketers are storytellers.

The best selling book in the world is the bible. I repeat the best selling book in the world is the Holy Bible! It has the most fascinating, impactful, spectacular, compelling and supernatural stories from genesis to revelation. We have the perfect source to find stories that we can use to share the good news in a fun and impactful way.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17). Yes, it's the Holy Spirit that will convict the world of it's sin, God's righteousness and pending judgement. (John 16:8 NLT). However, in this season of social distancing have you adapted your message to suite an online audience? In the absence of a physical altar call, how do you get your audience to take drastic action to surrender their life to Christ?

Watch the clip and develop a 20 minute recording on the topic- Who is Jesus?
Your message is to be delivered to 100 unbelievers from different demographics concluding with an online altar call. The best selling book states: we preach the word of God with sincerity and with Christ's authority, knowing that God is watching us. (2 Corinthians 2:17 NLT). God uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume. (2 Corinthians 2:14 NLT). A few pointers for your good news (who is Jesus?) recording.

Listen to your recording and ask yourself one question - if I didn't know the speaker would I be compelled to know more about Jesus and surrender my life to Christ. If you can't convince you then ask why not? Improve your message. Don't forget the bookshelf backdrop. 😄

Constantly review and improve your message delivery to suit current times and circumstances. Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings. (Proverbs 22:29 KJV).

You will present before kings!

Billy Graham had his style of delivery and we thank God for his life. What is your style of delivery and does it come across like a sweet perfume? 

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